Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Possible New Job!

I can't express how happy I am that I have a job interview tomorrow. SO happy!!! And guess what? It's for a part-time job as a retail worker at a local Turkey Hill store - a convenience store attached to a gas station. I haven't worked retail since my 2-week stint at Caldor's as a senior in high school! But I'm stoked! I will be the hardest worker they've ever seen - I will clean the bathrooms, make sandwiches, hand out cigarettes (but only to people who look over 27) and anything else they want me to do. I don't even know what minimum wage is these days - $7 an hour? Something like that. I don't care! If I work 20 hours a week, at $7/hr. that's $140, less taxes, which would be, okay, only about $100/week, but it's something. As opposed to what I'm making now - nada. However, I don't have the job yet - I have an interview tomorrow. Hmmm... what does one wear to an interview of this type? A suit seems like overkill! Wish me luck, because the way things have been going, I'm going to need it!

I'm eagerly awaiting the start of school, but I have to remind myself that subbing is not regular work. Teachers try to avoid being out as much as possible the first month of school. It messes things up. So I may not be subbing very much during the month of September. I'll keep my fingers crossed that some teachers have an unexpected (and not too bad!) bug that will get me in the schools and making some money. I want to have the luxury of being upset about not having a regular job teaching yet, but right now all I'm really concerned about is survival. We need to be able to keep our house and keep the lights on, but it's tough going. Right now J. is only bringing home $300 a week - his draw at his job selling automobiles. We are having trouble paying bills and living on that, which is why my new possible job will be a welcome thing.

I have been feeling so very down that I haven't wanted to write this blog at all, but I will keep attempting to work on it, because writing is good and it's supposed to be cathartic! Things just have to get better! They have to! They say that the one constant in life is that things will change. Well, they can always get worse, I know that, but I'm hoping that we've been through enough hardship for a little while. Please god, help us be strong enough to get through this with a roof over our heads and love in our hearts.

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